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The 12th of september 2008 Lord Alexander Pain aspired to have the most powerful beings in the galaxy under his command.

The resoult of that searching was a team formed by only seven members. The worldwide elite.


Only one team member can kill tons of people effortlessly.They aren't men.They are an unestopable force called .BULLET.Hear them screaming his name in the distance.This terrible sound Will be mixed with the screams of his enemies.


​​Inspired by catharsis, they obliterate everything in their path. No matter what or who is, the incredible power of these gods of war is guided by an incomprehensible and unstoppable force that It will give to them the victory.





​​​​​¡¡Is inebitable, is unstoppable, is indestructible, is BULLET​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​!!

                      Prepare to die

The Legend of Catharsis


Emotional Liberation

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